Need a loan? Do you need to prove that your business is actually making money? Well look no further, I am here to prepare financial documents that will in fact show that you are not just blowing hot air at your lender, and that you are in fact the owner of a thriving business or side hustle. Show your investors/bankers/friends/family that you mean business with a fresh set of financial statements.
- QuickBooks Prep – Allow me to handle all of the boring aspects like bookkeeping. With my years of expertise working with QuickBooks and QuickBooks Online platforms.
- Quick Books Payroll Prep
- QuickBooks Online – Self Employed
- QuickBooks Online – Plus
- QuickBooks Online – Essentials
- QuickBooks Online – Advanced
- QuickBooks Pro Desktop
- QuickBooks Enterprise Desktop
- Financial Statement Preparation and Review – Have your financials records already been entered in, but you need someone to put the whole thing together? Well look no further my friend, I am here to prepare your financial statements.
- Financial Statement Compilation – Basic preparation of financial statements. Good for informal meetings to discuss financial performance.
- Financial Statement Review – More in depth review of data, using historical data to identify trends and make inferences of the businesses. Good for small business owners who need to get a loan or financing that will require a deep dive into the finances of a business.
Sound Good?
Great, let’s get to work! Contact me via the following avenues and let’s get your financials up and running.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 208-615-5314